Last Saturday, my daughter, her boyfriend and I went junking. It was POURING rain, so many of the sales were canceled. That didn't stop US!! We went to a couple of estate sales and some sales held either in the garage or under the carport.

Great shelf, huh?

At an estate sale, I found this sturdy little chair for $5 and

necklaces to be re worked

I love this little teacup picture. Found it a rummage sale.
So my daughter's neighbor is moving and didn't want to deal with a yard sale. She told my daugther to come and get what she wanted. She chose things she thought I might be able to use. Warning, many of the following pix are VERY pink!!

Look how tanned my hand is!! Sadly, my legs are the color of this vase.

Yesterday, I didn't MEAN to go junking, but...

There is a place here in Birmingham called What's On Second. It is such a fun place! Anyway, I found this dish and lid. It LOOKS old, but there were no markings on it at all.

Afterward, I went to a little neighborhood thrift store and the first thing I found was this sewing rocker. I just LOVE it!

As I was checking out, I spied this little chair. I just LOVE the lines! I'm going to use it in my kitchen. Below are the rest of my purchses.

I guess these are vases, but I see them as candle holders.

I got this flat back basket and all the stainless flatware for $1.

OBVIOUSLY this was once Mardi Gras beads.

A pretty little blue plate.

2 little "jeweled" napkin rings. I think each of these would look good on a windchime.

I just thought this was cute. If I did pottery, this is what it would look like.
Hope everyone has a GREAT Labor Day and doesn't have to Labor.